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Colorado Latino Population Centers Are Shifting | Dimension Strategies
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Longtime residents will remember the time when one could accurately describe Colorado’s Latino population as living along the I-25 corridor: Greeley on the north end, its anchor in the San Luis Valley, and Denver and Pueblo in between.  That geographic distribution has shifted. Here’s some facts you might not know:

  • Colorado’s largest counties saw their Latino population increase between 2010 and 2014.
  • In the last 30 years, the average growth in Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson and Weld counties was nearly 500 percent.
  • Cheyenne County on the eastern plains doubled its Latino population and the number of Latinos in Jackson County along the Wyoming border tripled.
  • Latino population growth is outpacing Colorado’s total population growth by an average of nearly 12 percent.

(Source: Latino Data Project, 2016)

In the meantime, the City and County of Denver is experiencing a decline in Latino population because of gentrification: Latinos are increasingly moving to Denver’s neighboring suburbs, especially those listed above.  Another factor is Denver County’s aging Latino population resulting in lower birth rates. (Source: Rose Community Foundation)

How we view, engage and serve Latinos must take into account these dramatic numbers!  For more information on Colorado’s growing Latino population, contact us here!